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Club Fees

There are two types of club fees membership and shooting fees.

Membership Fees

The annual membership fees due from 1st October 2023 vary between £121.20 to £40.70. This price includes all affiliation fees covering Archery GB, county and regional associations. The price depends on your age (there are significant reductions for under 18s, under 25s and over 64s), whether you are a student, or have a disability). There is a reduction in the cost if you join later in the year (prices change 1st January, 1st April and 1st July).

The price range quoted above are for Full membership. This category enables you to represent the club at external competitions. Associate membership is available for members who have joined another club, or Archery GB directly, but would also like to join Abbey. This membership does not enable you to represent the club at external competitions.

Membership Fees


Shooting Fees

Below are the club shooting fees for outdoor and indoor shooting. The preferred payment method is BACS transfer using the following details: Sort Code: 30-97-25 Account No: 00812536 Account Name: Abbey Bowmen. Please enter the date as the reference.

Outdoor - Senior

Archers aged 18 or over





Indoor - Senior

Archers aged 18 or over





Outdoor - Junior

Archers aged under 18





Indoor - Junior

Archers aged under 18





Outdoor - Student

Archers in full time education





Indoor - Student

Archers in full time education





Shooting Fees
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